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Axis is the leading Indian Manufacturer & Exporter of a wide range of Electrical Components used in Electrical Installations and in the Equipment Building industry. Our main customer base consists of Distributors/Wholesalers of Electrical Products, Electrical Contractors & Installers, Equipment Manufacturers, Maintenance Companies and Government Authorities… Axis offers a complete range of Overhead Line Hardware for LV, MV & HV Electrical Distribution Line Systems. These products are manufactured taking into consideration International standards such as BS, IS and utility specific requirements… Axis invests heavily in continuous improvements in its products and manufacturing processes. This allows Axis to always be ahead of the curve through certifications and approvals from around the world. Products manufactured by Axis follow widely accepted international such as BS, DIN, UL, NFC, AS/NZ & Indian Standard (IS). CRISIL India, an S&P subsidiary, rated Axis as having the highest.

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